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Our folded road and travel map of Chile includes top sights, monuments, religious sites, point of interests, beaches, camping sites. The map distinguishes roads ranging from expressways/motorways to country lanes/paths. The colored map includes insets of Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Vina del Mar, La Serena, Valparaiso, Santiago, Isla Robinson Crusoe, Rapa Nui Easter Island, Torres del Paine National Park and Punta Arenas. Climate charts show the average daily temperatures, humidity, hours of sunshine and precipitation for each month. These Borch maps are durable, water-repellent and feature a laminated write-on/wipe off surface and measure approximately 9.5"x4.5" when folded up and unfolds into a flat double-sided map measuring 34"x19.25".
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